Brand Australian Bush Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name Price
Australian Bush Flower Essences Calophyllum 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Calophyllum 15ml

Calophyllum helps one to develop and activate one's leadership qualities. They are very enthusiastic, have a strong connection to Spirit, which gives them their certainty in knowing where they're going and what they should do. They are very positive, focused people with tremendous resilience, determination and focus. They are inspiring leaders, not only do they want to point out the way, but they...

Australian Bush Flower Essences White Light Essence Water 10ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences White Light Essence Water 10ml

The Water Essence was made from an alchemic blend of two Essences - one from each hemisphere; they were prepared on the isle of Iona, on the west coast of Scotland and Heron Island on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. This remedy allows you to intensely experience your own emotional disharmony so that it may then be purified and released. The Water Essence illuminates the conscious mind so as to...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Suva Frangipani 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Suva Frangipani 15ml

The Essence of this deep blood red Frangipani was made on the coast near Darwin in the Northern Territory. It is unusual in that it does not have the sweet aromatic quality of other Frangipanis but rather a very heavy, musky odour. Its common name in the Pacific is "Bleeding Heart Frangipani". This Essence addresses the great emotional intensity, difficulty and hardship that people can go through...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Rainbow Essence 10ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Rainbow Essence 10ml

Is a gentle way of bringing the Solar Logos energy into you. Positive Outcome: -Allows the Christ Light to radiate deep down into the darkest places of your psyche to find qualities that may have been lost, buried or hidden. -By absorbing every colour into your body, heart and mind, it brings you deep understanding, healing and love from the Sources. -Makes you aware of your potential and to...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Grevillea 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Grevillea 15ml

This Essence is for people who feel stuck. It acts as a catalyst for those who know what they want to achieve but do not know how to go about it. It is for people who are too reliant on others. It promotes independence and boldness. This Essence is extremely effective though the changes may not be as anticipated. Like the Grey Spider Flower this plant is a member of the Grevillea family and its...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Sunshine Wattle 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Sunshine Wattle 15ml

For people who have had a difficult time in the past and who are stuck there. They bring their negative experiences of the past into the present. Life is seen as being grim and full of struggle. When they look at life they only see bleakness, hard times and disappointment continuing into the future. In the positive mode these people will see the beauty, joy and excitement in the present and...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Philotheca 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Philotheca 15ml

This Essence allows people to accept acknowledgment for their achievements and to 'let in' love. They are often good listeners and generous, giving people. It allows shy people to speak of their plans and success. In its natural environment, the flower is easily overlooked and often mistaken for other species. Negative Condition: -Inability to accept acknowledgement -Excessive generosity....

Australian Bush Flower Essences Monga Waratah 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Monga Waratah 15ml

Monga Waratah (also known as Braidwood Waratah), a shrub up to 4 metres, has a very small distribution around the moist forested areas and creeks of the Mongarlowe River near Braidwood in New South Wales. Its flower is the same red colour as the more common Waratah (Telopea speciosissima) although it only seems to have the base of the Waratah’s flower, as if the top cone or diamond has been...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Light Frequency Essence Lake Baikal 10ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Light Frequency Essence Lake Baikal 10ml

When Lemurian civilization chose to abandon spirituality for sensuality and pleasure, the energy on the planet dropped and became denser. Lake Baikal holds that original energy prior to the density developing when the Earth and humanity flowed fully and clearly from the stillness of their hearts that was at one with the Divine. The Lake Baikal Essence allows you to access this pure uncorrupted...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid 15ml

This remedy was also made up in Gariwerd (The Grampians) Victoria and is very much aligned with higher learnings, philosophies and deeper insight. This Essence can assist in working with telepathy, to attune a person to be more receptive to not only other people but also other species and kingdoms. It is for people who are teaching spiritual matters and understandings, helping them to impart that...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Black Eyed Susan 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Black Eyed Susan 15ml

For people who are impatient or always 'on the go'. These people are continually rushing and their lives are always overflowing with commitments. This Essence enables these people to slow down, to reach that still centre within and find calmness and inner guidance. Negative Condition: -Impatience -"On the go" -Over committed -Constant striving. Positive Outcome: -Ability to turn ineward and be...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Stock Kit Set 15ml x 70 Pack

Australian Bush Flower Essences Stock Kit Set 15ml x 70 Pack

The Stock Kit, intended for both practitioner and home use, has been designed to incorporate all 69 Essences. It consists of 2 boxes with 72 allotted spaces which provides room for growth when new Essences are developed. • 2 bonus dose bottles so that you have the opportunity to make up a remedy as soon as the kit arrives! • a set of practitioner labels • a Reference Book Preparation of...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Bauhinia 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Bauhinia 15ml

Made up near Geikie Gorge in the Kimberleys, this Essence is for embracing new concepts and ideas. There may be some hesitation or reluctance, initially, in coming to terms with these. It can even help when there is a person who is annoying you or whom you dislike. For example, a family of a different nationality may become neighbours and even though you may not be racist, you may have difficulty...

Australian Bush Flower Essences She Oak 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences She Oak 15ml

An Essence which is very beneficial in overcoming imbalances in and bringing about a sense of wellbeing in females. It will benefit women who feel distressed about infertility. It removes those personal blocks that prevent conception. It can also be used in conjunction with Flannel Flower which will help remove karmic patterns hindering conception. The fruit of this tree is very similar in size...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid 15ml

This Essence was made up under unique circumstances on Toolbrunup Peak, the second highest peak in the Stirling Ranges. Red Helmet Orchid helps a man bond to his child or children. It helps men to be aware to allocate quality family time. Making this Essence required not only sunlight but also moonlight, thereby adding the feminine principle so as to allow bonding. It is also for anyone with...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Paw Paw 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Paw Paw 15ml

For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information. A feature of this plant is its very narrow stem which, at the top, branches into a mass of foliage to bear large and ponderous fruits. This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem. It will activate the...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Light Frequency Essence Mt Pinatubo 10ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Light Frequency Essence Mt Pinatubo 10ml

The most important healing quality of the Madagascar Essence is its potential for the eradication of disease and the removal of limiting beliefs around our health and wellbeing that we absorb from mass consciousness. Examples of this is the conditioning and belief that as we get older our minds and bodies will deteriorate and that we only have 70 years of life, the three score and ten syndrome....

Australian Bush Flower Essences Insight Cards x 69 Pack

Australian Bush Flower Essences Insight Cards x 69 Pack

The Flower Insight Cards were first developed in 1997 after numerous requests from both practitioners and patients to see the flowers in all their glory! Beautifully photographed and in full colour, each of the 69 cards reflects the vibrancy and potency of each Essence, whilst also opening up many new ways of healing with the Australian Bush Flower Essences. People from all around the world have...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Bush Gardenia 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Bush Gardenia 15ml

For renewing passion and interest in relationships. It helps draw together those who are moving away from one another, busy in their own world (career, life, etc.). It is as if this Essence helps to turn the individual's head to reconnect to see what their partner is doing and feeling and to discover what is needed to bring them back together. It is not only for male/female relationships but also...

Australian Bush Flower Essences Alpine Mint Bush 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Alpine Mint Bush 15ml

This flower grows in exposed rocky sites in the alpine and sub-alpine areas of south eastern Australia. This Essence works on the mental and emotional levels. It is for people who work in healing, health administration and caring situations where there is a great deal of responsibility for other people. They give much of themselves both physically and emotionally, often listening to people in...